ADHD Support & Accountability Groups
To help you overcome your ADHD-related challenges, I offer ADHD Support & Accountability Groups and classes designed to be supportively positive, budget-friendly, and outcomes and accountability focused, while providing a safe space for you to learn and stretch yourself.
I’m currently running 3 groups on Zoom – see details below.
ADHD Foundations Learning and Support Group
Starts February 28, 2024
Wednesdays 8-9:30am PT
$900 for 13 weeks
This popular class and support group is designed for adults who are new (or “new again”) to ADHD. If you…
Think you might have ADHD…
Were recently diagnosed with ADHD…
Or were previously diagnosed want to refresh your knowledge and strategies…
Then this group is for you! Each week we’ll cover a specific topic and discuss practical strategies that can help you (and your brain) achieve your goals. Here's the list of planned weekly topics:
Week 1: What is ADHD?
Week 2: Understanding your ADHD Brain
Week 3 ADHD Medication
Week 4: Self Compassion & ADHD
Week 5: ADHD & Rejection Sensitivity
Week 6: Self Care
Week 7: Intro to Self Regulation & Executive Skills
Week 8: Executive Skills: Organization
Week 9: Executive Skills: Planning & Prioritization
Week 10 : Executive Skills: Time Awareness
Week 11: Executive Skills: Task Activation
Week 12: Executive Skills: Sustain Attention
Week 13: Wrap up: Bringing it all together
In each class I'll present content on each topic and then facilitate a group discussion before breaking into smaller groups to discuss and develop your own goals for the week ahead.
Living your Best Self with ADHD
Fridays Noon-1:30pm PT
$250 every 4 weeks
Designed to be a more advanced extension of ADHD Foundations, this group will discuss a different topic from my Leading with ADHD Model for Success inspired by a relevant article or video. We’ll work together to support you in applying the learning to how you might leverage it live your best self with ADHD. Expected topics include regulating emotions, coping with rejection sensitivity, improving self talk, practicing self care, procrastination and task activation, staying focused, and more!
Men’s ADHD Support Group
Thursdays Noon-1:30pm PT
$250 every 4 weeks
This group currently operates with less structured format with members surfacing topics for discussion, and has a bit of a “men in tech” bent with most members working in or with technology and is open to others regardless of background. All male identified and non-binary individuals are welcome.
What former participants have said about my groups:
“David’s education support group classes have been extremely helpful for me post learning of my ADHD diagnosis. It’s been a wonderful space where I’ve been able to learn, grow, and get to know other people who often struggle with the same things. I highly recommend it for anyone else who wants a low stakes but high-impact opportunity to learn more about ADHD, how it impacts their daily lives, and ways they can influence their own behavior in a positive way.”
“The foundational knowledge around ADHD gained from this group has of course been crucial to gaining awareness and understanding of why I have certain tendencies and what I can do to influence them.”
“It’s well facilitated, the agenda is comprehensive, and offers a good mix of presentation-based and breakout discussions.”
“This is a well-rounded, well-researched class that will help you learn A LOT about different aspects of your ADHD. There is a great interactive component in which we learn from others in the class. The course will help you add quite a bit of tools to your ADHD toolbox and make you feel more comfortable with your ADHD. Thanks David!”
“I’ve really appreciated the sense of community that has come from these groups. Learning from each other’s experiences has been extremely helpful as well as validating.”
“The ADHD Foundations Group was a huge help in building the framework I need to evaluate and support myself. A very healthy, friendly environment for learning and sharing.”
“I found the ADHD Foundation Class incredibly helpful and informative. David Rickabaugh’s preparation and guidance was really well done. Sharing the experience with others lead me to new perspectives and ideas about the stigmas associated with ADHD and to feel more accepted and appreciative of the many gifts our different brains provide. I strongly recommend this class for those who are new or still learning about the many facets of ADHD.”
“This group was the highlight of my week. I learned so much from David and my group members. I could easily spend months implementing the tools and strategies I learned. It also was nice to feel accepted and understood by connecting with others who have similar struggles.”
“The group dynamic offers a chance to compare your experiences with others, learn ways to hone in on your strengths, and hear questions or solutions you may not have considered before. David did a great job breaking down each lesson into bite-size bits and encouraging us to explore.”
If you’d like to hear about my future groups, please sign up for notifications below.