Coaching Agreement
and Ethical Guidelines 

Coaching Agreement

 This agreement details the basic processes and protocols underpinning coaching services offered by David Rickabaugh (David L Rickabaugh LLC, dba David Rickabaugh Coaching and Leading with ADHD).

 Coaching is a collaborative, solution focused, results-oriented and systematic process, in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, self-directed learning and personal and professional growth of the client.

Throughout the working relationship the coach will engage in direct, personal and often challenging conversations. The client understands that successful coaching requires an active collaborative approach between client and coach. The coach plays the role of a facilitator of change, and it is the client’s responsibility to enact change.

The client agrees to disclose details of past or present psychological or psychiatric treatment. If such issues become salient during the coaching relationship the coach may recommend referral to an appropriate specialist.

As your Coach, I can work with you if:

  • You have a genuine and serious intent to change

  • You are ready to receive, accept and act on feedback

  • You are honest and forthright in our discussions

  • You are willing to explore, challenge and change self-defeating patterns

  • You are willing to try new ways of behaving, learning and working

  • You will complete any between-sessions action learning tasks (homework)

  • You will raise, and frankly discuss, any issues relating to goals we are working on

  • You recognize the value that coaching can have on your personal and professional development

  • You will inform me promptly if the coaching is not working for you

All information about the coach/client relationship and any written notes will remain confidential, except in rare circumstances where decreed by law.

I need 48 hours notice of any session cancellation or reschedule for individual sessions. Any cancellation or reschedule instigated by the client not conforming to this condition will be charged at the full hourly session rate.  

I will work within the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics and as outlined in the ethical guidelines provided below.

 - David Rickabaugh

Ethical Guidelines

  1. I will ensure that the client understands the terms of the coaching agreement and the nature of the coaching engagement.

  2. I will respect client confidentiality, except when alternative authorization has been granted as part of the agreement, or as required by law.

  3. I will seek to avoid any conflict of interests between the parties involved in the coaching engagement. If I become aware of a conflict of interests I will notify the client at my nearest convenience and discuss it openly.

  4. I will conduct myself in a manner that does not reflect poorly on the profession of coaching or bring the publics perception of coaching into ill repute.

  5. I will not practice outside my level of competence, qualifications and training.

  6. I will inform a client of any referrals that I suggest may be required to meet their needs if the circumstance arises where by the clients needs are beyond my qualification, training or level of competence.

  7. I accept the reasonable foreseeable consequences of my action and do my best to ensure that my services are used appropriately.

  8. I will seek permission from the client prior to disclosing their names as clients or references.

  9. I will honor any agreements made as part of the coaching engagement.

  10. I will work within and be mindful of the legal domain in which I may be working.

  11. I will be sensitive to contextual, cultural, role and gender differences and the impact these may play on any coaching engagement I may be a party to.

  12. I will act without discrimination or prejudice towards any client differences.

– ­Drawn from the International Coaching Federation and Australian Psychological Society